Post Doctoral Scholar
Clemson University
Name and Degree(s): SAPHALA DHITAL Ph. D.
Contact address: Engineering Service Drive, Clemson University, SC 29634
Research Interests: Drug development and delivery system: I intend to develop bioactive molecules and effective delivery system in disease models using nanomedicine and imaging system. Developing targeted therapeutics that alleviate the pathophysiology, restores the mechanical strength and integrity of diseased tissues in different disease models including cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), lupus, multiple sclerosis, and urinary tract infections and study of these diseases. I have demonstrated skills on development of targeted therapeutics and study of disease mechanism using nanotherapeutics, biomechanics and signaling pathways.
• Biomarkers for inflammation: Regulation of immune cells and inflammation plays pivotal role in many diseases. I have proficiencies on the immune engineering of diseases such as abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), pulmonary obstructive lung diseases (COPD), lupus, multiple sclerosis, and urinary tract infections.
• Explore effective methods to evaluate disease progression and recovery: Effectively apply improved imaging and analysis techniques such as computational, histology, fluorescence technology and genetics of disease status and recovery evaluation.
• Biomechanics: I intend to apply imaging and mechanical measurement of tissues and cells.
Education/ Training: Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Sciences; M. S. Science and Technology; M. Sc. Microbiology
Selected Publications:
1)Elastin stabilization restores pulmonary arterial biomechanics and prevents pulmonary hypertension in left heart disease. Journal of Nat Commun, July (2023).
2) Role of Elastin Degradation in Disease Pathogenesis. Journal of Biochemica et Biophysica Acta (BBA): Molecular Basis of Disease, June (2023).
3) Nanoparticle-based targeted delivery of pentagalloyl glucose reverses elastase-induced abdominal aortic aneurysm and restores aorta to the healthy state in mice. PLOS One, March (2020).
Teaching Interests and Experience: My teaching strategies incorporate effective pedagogical strategy, syllabus development and evaluation methods in biomedical sciences, bioengineering, and nanomedicine.