Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation
Comparison between two image analysis softwares for magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography registration in deep brain stimulation
Mary Robinson (she/her/hers)
Bucknell University, United States
Uijin Kang (she/her/hers)
Undergraduate Researcher
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
Karlo A. Malaga
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is used to treat the motor symptoms of patients with Parkinson disease (PD), essential tremor (ET), and dystonia. The treatment involves surgically implanted electrodes that stimulate structures deep in the brain with pulses of electricity controlled by a pacemaker [1] . DBS has many clinical benefits including: tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity control. However, DBS can also have side effects, which includes: facial pulling, paresthesia, and dysarthria. Therefore, in order to reduce the side effects of the DBS treatment, clinical precision of electrode localization is necessary. Identifying the target region to treat this neurodegenerative condition is guided by developing an anatomical map using preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) scans [2]. We are able to confirm that electrodes are implanted in the targeted region by assessing a merged postoperative CT scan and a preoperative MRI image [3]. Electrode localization from postoperative CT and preoperative MRI image has been identified using biomedical image visualization software Analyze. However, the latest release of the medical imaging toolbox from MATLAB is considered to provide a similar function to what Analyze offers. For this project, the overarching goal is to compare the localization of DBS electrodes within the subthalamic nucleus (STN) between Analyze and MATLAB’s medical imaging toolbox.