Cardiovascular Engineering
Evaluating Techniques for Estimating Hepatic Flow for Hemodynamic Assessment of Total Cavopulmonary Connection
Carter Allen (he/him/his)
Undergraduate Research Assistant
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Fitchburg, Massachusetts, United States
Zhenglun A. Wei
Assistant Professor
University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States
TCPC power loss (PL) and HFD were compared between simulations using HV flow estimation and simulations using patient-specific HV flow rates. Three different approaches to HV flow estimation were examined, each using an area-based power law with a different exponent. The first approach distributes total HV flow to each HV weighted by their cross-sectional areas under the assumption of constant flow velocity. The second approach distributes flow to each HV by their area to the power of 3/2, assuming constant wall shear stress. The third approach distributes flow to each HV by the square of their areas, following the Hagen-Poiseuille Law. Total HV flow was calculated as the difference between the FP and sub-hepatic IVC flow rates. Three HV-estimated cases were simulated, one for each estimation approach. For comparison, brachiocephalic vein (BV) flow estimation was also performed using the patient-specific flow from the superior vena cava. This led to six more simulation cases: three BV-estimated cases and three combined (BV-&-HV-estimated) cases. The terms ΔPL and ΔHFD were defined to quantify the difference between the hemodynamic metrics calculated by the estimated models and those calculated by the patient-specific model.