Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology
Multiscale Modeling of BMP Signaling Pathway during Zebrafish Embryogenesis
Nissa J. Larson (she/her/hers)
Graduate Research Assistant
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, United States
Linlin Li, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Purdue University, United States
Bobby Madamanchi
University of Michigan, United States
David Umulis
Senior Vice Provost for Purdue in Indianapolis, Acting Dane A. Miller Head of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University, United States
The stochastic receptor model has been deployed in a ‘virtual embryo’ and was constructed using the open-source python wrapper GillesPy and the framework StochKit2. This framework employs tau-leaping and Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm to rapidly simulate stochastic trajectories in biochemical systems with facilitated cluster-implementation. As these networks are inherently stochastic, this approach takes into consideration the basic random chance of molecular interactions that leads to noise and variability. Stochastic projections over time from this model provide information on the amounts and ratios of certain complexes that form, which can be analyzed for the amount of positional information provided by these complexes under a changing gradient.
The extracellular finite element model has been constructed based on the diffusion-reaction system of the extracellular regulatory BMP network, simulating the spatial-temporal profile formation of BMP dimers during early embryogenesis. Integrating the two model scales will provide a more complete view of the network.
Optogenetics experimentation will provide a light-exposure-dependent, reversible profile that can be quantitatively analyzed. Precise manual adjustment of the signaling gradient will allow us to measure the input and output fluctuations of the network. The correlation of this data between noise and signal processing will provide new insights into the system.
Integrating the extracellular and intracellular levels to a multiscale model will allow us to further probe the origins of noise and noise attenuation in the system. We hypothesize that noise arises especially from the membrane receptor level and is attenuated through the following intracellular pSmad network.
As the BMP signaling pathway is highly conserved and has been implicated in human bone growth and regenerative medicine, its study in simpler systems such as zebrafish stands to accelerate our comprehension of BMP network structure and molecular mechanisms and application in regenerative medical studies.
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