Graduate Research Assistant
Clemson University
My name is Jeremiah Carpenter, I am a Ph.D. Student and Graduate Research Assistant at Clemson University. Currently, my project aims to create an affordable and at-home device to detect Cobalt ions in urine in order to give patients and doctors accurate readings of this metal ion without requiring the patient to go to a testing facility. This will be done using Once this portion of the project is done, I will move into detecting other metal ions and eventually, develop a device that can test for anything possible in urine. Additionally, this project also has the potential to affect other areas such as measuring water quality for example. My goal when I graduate is to become faculty at a university, teach classes to undergraduate students and build up my own lab. I want to be able to mentor students who are in my current position and see them fulfill their dreams and aspirations just as my advisor has allowed me. In order to prepare for this, I am currently TAing a lab and teaching a class for transfer students at Clemson University. Next Fall, I have the opportunity to teach the Introduction to Engineering class that we teach here and I am super excited.