Drug Delivery
Rizia Bardhan, PhD
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering
Iowa State University, United States
Saji Uthaman
Research Scientist
Iowa State University, United States
Shadi Parvin Roo
Graduate Student
Iowa State University, United States
Michael Wannemuehler
Iowa State University, United States
Saman Ghazvini (she/her/hers)
Graduate research assistant
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa, United States
Our programmable micelles not only improves the bioavailability of the hydrophobic STING inhibitor by encapsulating in the micellar cavity, but also targets the inflammatory colonic mucosa and proinflammatory macrophages. The micelles are designed to trigger drug release primarily at the site of inflammation reducing off-target systemic effects. Our results demonstrate that treatment with programmable micelles enhanced bodyweight recovery associated with DSS-induced acute colitis in mice and maintained colon length, and micelle therapy reduced pro-inflammatory cytokines and attenuated STING expression in colon. We envision that these therapeutic micelles will ultimately be an advanced drug delivery vehicle for universal encapsulation of a number of hydrophobic drugs that have poor pharmacokinetics in vivo and implement in other subsets of IBDs (chronic colitis, Chron’s disease) and other disorders (neurodegeneration) linked to the STING pathway.